Activités nautiques

Nautical activities

Fishing on foot

With spoons or rakes in one hand, you're ready to take on the high tides to find seafood and shellfish.
The commune of Saint-Pierre Quiberon invites you to follow good practice for sustainable and responsible fishing.

  • Find out about the sanitary quality of the shore fishing sites you visit.
  • I respect the fishing and consumption bans and periods.
  • I fish away from port areas, river mouths and drainage systems.
  • I fish in known and frequented areas.
  • I do not fish within 15 m of shellfish beds.
  • I respect the authorised catch sizes and quantities.
  • I use a tool to measure catches.
  • I use authorised fishing tools.
  • I sort the species caught as I fish.
  • I only take what I need for my family.

Recreational sea angling must respect the natural environment :

  • I put back any stones that have been turned over.
  • I fill in any holes created by fishing.
  • I do not damage sensitive natural habitats.
  • I respect the ban on harvesting shellfish or worms from eelgrass beds.
Portivy sur la presqu'île de Quiberon Baie de Quiberon Plages de Quiberon Paddle sur une plage de Quiberon Bord de mer et plages du Morbihan Activités nautiques


vigilance plages marées quiberon


In Saint-Pierre Quiberon, choose from 17 beaches to satisfy all your cravings for rocks, fine sand and sea... Experience these simple pleasures on our fine sandy beaches.

See the Penthièvre nautical distribution plan


ecole de surf de la presquileSpirit surf club quiberon

Find out more about water sports activities nearby :

Blue Dream


Surfing paradise



Nature school

Discover the region... Adventure and escape onthe Quiberon peninsula

Carte de la presqu'île de Quiberon